My Name is Caleb Cole
 I am 21 year old and a student at Louisiana Christian University pursuing a Media Production major and Media Ministry Minor 
I had been a hobby photographer for about a decade before the last 4 years in which I've been trying to do it more professionally
 I Love to capture people being themselves and the beauty of God's creation
I have 4 years of experience in videography and live video production
I have 2 years of radio production experience and even created my school's morning news and talk show
I hope to one day be a Cinematographer for Christian Films alongside working in a Church
I hope my talents could be used to glorify God
As for my personality: I am very agreeable and open to compromise, I am almost always happy, I handle criticism well and am my own biggest critic, I will always have an idea (some better than others), and I am very forgiving (maybe too forgiving sometimes)